Lessons Learned by a Garden Advisor
June 12, 2024
Habitat Hero Summer 2024 Winner
In last month’s Caper we learned from Garden Advisor for Cape Conservation Corps, Larry Jennings that fall is the best time to plant. With cooler temperatures the risk of failure is significantly less. There is less stress on the plants, allowing them to set deep roots and become well established. There is a greater chance of rain allowing for natural watering (easier on the gardener!). Since Fall is the optimal planting time what better time to have out Native Fall Fest and Sale with LOW, LOW prices. This year the sale will be on September 21st 9am to 1:00pm in the field behind the clubhouse (1223 River Bay Rd 21409). In addition to the beautiful selection of NATIVE plants we will many experts on hand to answer questions, recommend plants for your growing conditions and talk about the benefits of using natives to create healthy ecosystems. Let’s talk about some of the amazing plants we will have (about 80 species including grasses, sedges, ferns, perennials, groundcovers and shrubs).
What is a native plant sale without MILKWEED to support the life cycle of the monarch caterpillar. We will have swamp milkweed Asclepsias incarnata and Butterfly weed Asclepsias tubersosa. There are many other butterflies and moths that also have highly specialized needs to lay their eggs. The American Painted Lady needs pussytoes, Antennaria plantaginifolia, the Golden Alexander Zizia aurea is the host plant for the black swallowtails. In addition to flowering forbs, grasses and sedges are an important part of the ecosystem as they support many species of moths.
Of course, what is a pollinator garden without some beautiful blooms for the birds and the bees! It is important to have something in bloom from early spring through late fall. We have something for all seasons. Examples of early spring bloomers are Amsonia –Amsonia hubrichitii, Baptisia austrailas blue false indigo and Dicentra exima wild bleeding heart into the summer with milkweed, coneflowers, rattlesnake master, garden phlox, Obedient plant, Joe Pye Weed, Monarda (bee balm) and so many more. We cannot forget to have the blooms going into the fall with many assorted asters and several goldenrods as well as the brilliant display Pink Muhly grass gives us.
Another important aspect is to have varying heights. We have everything from groundcovers (green and gold, moss phlox and golden ragwort) to various heights of Forbes (penstemon, mountain mint, heuchera, and blue mist flower and iron weed) and shrubs. We are planning on oakleaf hydrangeas, St John’s Wort, Itea “Henry’s Garnet” and American beautyberry for our shrub selection.
We hope to see you at this Native Plant Fest and Sale –quality experts on hand, the best darn plant sale, the lowest prices and vast selection of NATIVE PLANTS. September 21st 9am. See you in the field. Bring a wagon or totes to carry all your purchases.
Here is the list of plants for 2024: