Habitat Hero Winter 2024 Broadneck High School
January 14, 2025Cape Loves Trees, so much we’re giving them away!
That’s right! Up to 25 lucky homeowners can apply for FREE trees, to be available for planting this fall. Seize this opportunity to Save the Bay, support wildlife, strengthen your community, improve our health, save money and beautify your property with your shared stewardship.
Simply submit your application (see below) to Cape Conservation Corps. Applicants will be awarded free trees on a first come, first served basis.
Successful applicants will meet the following criteria:
- Resident and/or property owner in the Cape,
- Adequate and appropriate space and,
- Property owner’s signature for the “AACo. Watershed Stewards Tree Troopers – Property Owners Agreement”
A limited number of the following species will be available. They have been selected based on their climate resilience, habitat value, seasonal interest and variety of size in the landscape:
- Canopy Trees: Black Gum, Hackberry, Persimmon, River Birch, and White Oak.
- Understory Trees: Dogwood, Serviceberry, Sweetbay Magnolia, Redbud, and Witch-hazel.
Please review the application below for more details!
Cape Conservation Corps, 1223 River Bay Road, Annapolis, MD 21409
Application for Free Trees Program
Name: _______________________________________email: _________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone (home)_________________________________ (cell)__________________________________
I would like Free Trees because: ___________________________________________________________
What: The Cape Conservation Corps is offering up to two (2) free trees this fall to 25 residents of Cape St. Claire
Who: Must be a resident and/or property owner in Cape St. Claire Association
When: Deadline for application is August 1, 2025. Applicants will be awarded trees on a first come, first served basis. Trees will be available for planting in October.
Requirement: Trees to be planted within the Cape St Claire Association boundaries, and property owner must sign a Property Owner Agreement with AACo Watershed Stewards Tree Troopers Association, who will supply the trees.
Trees Offered (Choose up to 2):
Canopy Trees (Can grow 70-100 ft high and spread 50-70 ft): Black gum ___ Hackberry ___ Persimmon___ River birch___ White Oak___
Understory Trees (Can grow 15-35 ft high and spread 20-30 ft): Dogwood___ Serviceberry___ Redbud___ Sweetbay Magnolia___ Witch-hazel___
____ I would need help choosing appropriate trees (check if applicable)
Application Process:
All applications must be submitted by USPS mail to the address above (1223 River Bay Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409), or by email to [email protected] before August 1, 2025.
Cape Conservation Corps will inform recipients individually. The decision of Cape Conservation Corps will be final.
Our mission: Replace invasive plants with natives, prevent erosion, and increase the natural beauty of Cape St. Claire public areas.