CCC is continually working to improve and maintain two public areas in Cape St. Claire for the enjoyment of all – Serene Ravine (across from 1037 Lake Claire Dr.) and Little Magothy Beach Park and Woodland Trail (1110 Little Magothy View). This is ongoing work. CCC’s Conservation Crew, aka Wednesday Weed Warriors, removes invasive plants weekly at the properties, from early April through mid-October. Additionally, CCC holds two planting events a year, spring and fall, to add native flowers, bushes and trees to the properties that enhance the natural ecosystems and benefit pollinators and wildlife. CCC also mulches the trails on the properties each fall.
CCC has started to work near the Deep Creek Piers parking lot (end of Gateway Dr.). There, English ivy is climbing on many trees, threatening their health. Together with Watershed Stewards Academy, CCC has established a Circle of Life around these trees. We have also started to plant native bushes, flowers, and other plants to beautify these woods.
If you are interested in volunteering for these activities, please reach out to us at [email protected] to find out more!