Cape Conservation Corps Fight Against Invasives
September 13, 2024
More trees please and leave the leaves !
November 15, 2024By: Stacey Wildberger
Cape Conservation Corps has had a very busy 2024 and we aren’t done yet! We have continued to maintain several areas in the community through invasive removal, planting native plants, providing educational opportunities and of course the annual Native Plant Fest and Sale. We also partnered with Girl Scout Rebecca Sawyer on a very exciting Gold Star Award project.
- Continuing the removal of Burning bush, English ivy, and Euonymus, all invasive aliens, from the Little Magothy Beach property. We have obtained a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust that will pay, in part, for the numerous native plants and trees planted in 2024.
- Starting a Vegetative Management Plan for the area above the top parking lot at the Deep Creek Piers. A major effort will be necessary to remove bamboo, English Ivy and other invasive plants, to then replace them with native plants, trees, and bushes.
- Attempting to control the erosion that is occurring on the path from Blue Ridge Place to the Cape St Claire Swim Club (CSCSC). We expect to apply for a grant to support this project, which also will get the support of the Improvement Association (CSCIA) and the Cape Swim Club.
- Continuing the Wednesday Weed Warrior program at the Serene Ravine, Little Magothy Beach Park Woodland Trail and at the lower parking lot of Deep Creek Piers.
- Sponsoring an annual native plant sale in the fall, offering thousands of native plants at rock-bottom prices. Each year, CCC has several naturalists offering advice on plant selection for the location.
- Offering a scholarship to a Broadneck High School Senior pursuing a degree in an environmental or related field.
- Girl Scout Rebecca Sawyer designed and built two Teaching Libraires that were installed at Little Magothy Beach Woodland Path and along the path at Serene Ravine. They will contain books to take, books to read on the benches as well as guide/ID books to identify the flora and fauna around you. The Teaching Libraries will also be stocked with journals and sketchbooks to record what you see in nature, how you feel being there or whatever you wish to capture of your moment in nature.
- Still to come this month is a presentation by George Mauer, Cape St Claire resident and 2023 Habitat Hero. George is a lifelong birder that studied ornithology in college, writing his thesis on songbirds. George will be showing us how he created a haven in his own backyard for birds to nest, feed and migrate through. He has a had over 70+ species documented in his yard. He will tell us how he did it and how you can too!
- We started a Corporate Sponsorship program in 2023 that has continued through 2024. We are renewing the current sponsors and always looking for new sponsors, particularly small business of the community. Please reach out to me if you would like to know more. [email protected]
- Please consider renewing or joining us for a 2024 membership with just a $20 donation. No meetings required!
Check us out on Facebook, our Website capeconservationscorps.org or send me an email to receive weekly updates.